Wednesday, 26 June 2013

WBJEE 2013 online Counselling Procedure and Dates


There will be 4 rounds of Counselling in the year 2013. Registration and Choice filling for initial three rounds will be allowed only once and the same choices will be process upto 3rd round. Fourth (INFORMED CHOICE) round will be LAST round of counselling and also it will be web based.

1.1 Counselling Flow for WBJEE Counselling-2013

1.2 Online Registration & Payment of Counselling Fees

  • Two type of candidates are eligible for counselling
    • Type 1: Through WBJEE-2013
    • Type 2: Through JEE(Main)-2013
  • Online Registration by both the types of candidates is allowed only in 1st round of counselling through single interface irrespective whether they are eligible JEM seats or JEE seats. No fresh registrations will be allowed in the 2nd and 3rd rounds of counselling.
  • In 4th round of counselling, fresh registration will be open only for candidates who did not register initially. All the candidates who registered during main counselling will use their earlier credentials for choice filling.
  • All eligible candidates are required to register ONLINE through Internet ( from places convenient to them.
  • After successful registration, a candidate is also required to download th e-challan from the same website and pay an amount of Rs. 506/- as counselling fees including service charge (Non-Refundable) in any branch of Allahabad Bank with Core Banking System (CBS). After payment, candidate are required to visit the website again and enter the e-challan payment details like transaction no, branch code & branch name, date of deposit etc. Original fee receipt will be verified at the time of reporting at reporting centre, if seat is allotted. If e-challan details submitted online by the candidates are found to be wrong; the respective allotment shall stand cancelled.
  • Norms for updating Candidate’s personal data during registration
  • Category, PwD status, TFW status, State of Domicile, Religion, Gender etc.; once declared by candidate in the WBJEE-2013 Application Form, cannot be changed at the counselling time. In case of any changes, candidate should approach the WBJEEB directly before registration.
  • Only those Candidates who have registered online and made payment of counselling fee and also enter payment details are eligible for choice filling.

1.3 Online Choice Filling

  • All the registered candidates who have also paid the counselling fees are required to submit their choices (in order of institute and branch) online from any internet point during the specified period.
  • Choices will be shown as per candidate eligibility (whether the candidates are eligible for WBJEE seats or JEE (Main) seats or for both).
  • Candidates are required to submit the single set of choices against WBJEE seats & JEE (Mains) seats, even if they are eligible for both.
  • TFW candidates have an option to fill the choices with TFW and without TFW seat in any order of preference.
  • For the initial three rounds Choice filling is allowed only once before the 1st round of counselling. No fresh choice submission or alteration of existing choices is allowed in 2nd and 3rd round of counselling.
  • The choices submitted by candidates in the 1st round will be processed upto 3rd rounds for up-gradation, if candidate desires through willingness at RC.
  • In 4th round of counselling, all the registered candidates during main counselling or fourth round of counselling will submit the fresh choice(s).
  • Candidates can fill in as much number of choices in the order of preference as they wish to from the list of available choices.
  • Candidates are permitted, if they so desire, to change or re-order their choices, delete earlier choices and add new choices any number of times until they lock their final choices.

1.4 Choice Locking & Printing of Locked Choices

  • Candidates MUST lock their choices only after they have finalized them but, in any case, before 5.00 PM of last date.The locking of choices involves a few steps after the LOCK button is clicked. This includes, entering the password, confirming the locking etc. Candidate should follow all the steps carefully to complete the locking procedure.
  • After the choices are locked, candidates will not be able to change their choices. A printable version of the choices along with the terms and conditions agreed by the candidate at the time of registration is displayed once the choices are locked.
  • If candidates fail to explicitly lock their choices by 5.00 PM of last date, their last saved choices will be automatically locked after this deadline. Candidates are therefore strongly advised to lock their choices themselves and secure a printout of these locked choices. Registered candidates who do not exercise any choices or fail to save them will not be considered for admission and seat allotment. Candidates can login again after locking the choices; the locked choices will be displayed but cannot be modified or altered.

1.5 Seat Allotment – General Rules

  • During this step, the choices submitted by the candidates will be processed centrally and seats will be provisionally allotted in the order of merit as per AIR for JEE(Main) seats and as per GMR for JEM seats on the basis of the locked choices. The allotment result will be available on the website. Individual allotment letters will not be sent to the candidates by post. However, candidates MUST get a printout of the allotment details from the website.
  • Candidates who are allotted a seat first time in any round; will have to personally report to the Reporting Centres to complete the admission formalities, failing which their provisional seat allotment automatically get cancelled and will not be considered for subsequent online rounds of seat allotment.
  • Seat allotment through online counselling will be done in all the four rounds. In the first round, all the seats will be allotted to the candidates and the result indicating the institution and course allotted will be available on the website. In the second, third & fourth rounds, seats will be allotted against the available vacancies in the respective rounds, and the results will be available on the web site.
  • A candidate who is offered a seat under different reservation shall be considered for allotment in OP category (in same choice) in subsequent rounds subject to eligibility and availability of vacant seats.
  • Candidates who, at any stage, withdraw their provisional admission will not be considered for subsequent online rounds (till 3rd round) of seat allotment.

1.6 First Round of Allotment

  • The choices locked by the candidates during main counselling, will be processed centrally using 4.2 Seat Allotment ALGORITHM and the results will be available on the website.
  • All the candidates who get an allotment will report to Reporting Centres for taking provisional admission during specified period, failing which their seat allotment shall stand cancelled. Also, they will not be considered for further online rounds of seat allotment. The seats thus falling vacant due to non-reporting will be considered for allotment in the subsequent rounds of allotment. The detailed reporting procedures are described in the reporting procedure section.
  • Candidate after successfully reporting at Reporting Centres, if desires to Withdraw his/her Seat Allotment, then he/she will have to report to the same Reporting Centre where provisional admission was taken. Refund rules will be applicable.

1.7 Online reporting process at Reporting Centres after getting 1st time seat allotment in any rounds

  • Candidates, who get their seat allotment for the first time in any of the three rounds of allotment, will report to any of the Reporting Centres during the respective reporting periods and not to their Allotted Institutes. The Allotted Institutes will not accept any 'reporting' or admissions during this period.
  • Candidates will produce all the relevant certificates in original for verification including e-challan receipt when they report to the Reporting Centre. They are required to deposit the required Fee as per the details given below through account payee Demand Draft in the favour of WBJEEB, payable at Kolkata.
  • Allotted QuotaFee Amount in Rs.
    University/Government Institute5,000
    Private Self Financed Institutions20,000

    Further, if candidate upgraded in the subsequent round then balance amount to be paid/adjusted by the candidates through the final allotted institute. All payment related to counselling shall be made in favour of WBJEEB, through account payee Demand Draft payable at Kolkata
  • Further, candidates are required to exercise option for the participation in the subsequent rounds of the counseling. These candidates are also required to sign a declaration that in the event of allotment of a seat in the subsequent rounds, their earlier allotted seat would be automatically cancelled and the cancelled seat would be offered to the candidate next in the merit who might have sought that seat through his/her earlier submitted choices.
  • In case the candidates have exercised option in the negative (for no-upgradation), they would retain earlier allotted seat and would not be considered for seat allotment in the subsequent rounds of counseling. However, these candidates will be considered for category up-gradation against the same allotted seat.
  • A provisional admission letter (containing seat allotment detail, fee detail and also willingness for up-gradation) will be issued to the candidates at the Reporting Center after the fees are paid, and all certificates / credentials are found in order otherwise allotted seat will be automatically cancelled and candidate may or may not be eligible for further rounds of counselling.
  • Wherever no valid seat is available for upgrade in subsequent rounds, candidate will retain previous seat. Likewise, wherever a valid seat becomes available, the candidate is upgraded and automatically releases the earlier seat. In that sense, all allotment and admission are provisional.

1.8 Second Round of Seat Allotment

There is no fresh registration and choice filling in 2nd round of counselling. Choices of main counselling will be considered in this round of allotment. 

Who is eligible for 2nd Round of allotment? 

Candidates eligible for seat allotment in 2nd round are fall into one of the following groups:
  • Group–I: Registered candidates who did not get any seat allotment in the 1st round.
  • Group-II: Registered candidates who were allotted a seat in the first round of counselling and reported at the reporting centre but their allotted seat has been cancelled due to non-fulfillment of eligibility criteria.
  • Group–III: Registered candidates who were allotted a seat in the first round of counselling and reported at the reporting centre and completed admission formalities and also submitted willingness “Yes” for up-gradation in the subsequent rounds of counselling.
  • Group–IV: Candidates who were allotted a seat in the first round of counselling and reported at the reporting centre and completed admission formalities and submitted willingness “NO” for up-gradation. Their old allotted seat will be retained in the same category or in the up-graded category.
Who is not eligible for 2nd Round of allotment?
  • Not reported at RC after seat allotment in 1st round
  • Reported & Withdrawn from RC.
  • Became non-eligible due to non conformity of documents.
Business Rule for Seat Allotment:
  • Group-I: All the choices will be processed.
  • Group-II: All the choices will be processed.
  • Group-III: Only the higher preferred choices will be processed.
  • Group-IV: only the previous allotted choices will be processed for category upgradation.
  • Such of those candidates of Group – I & II who get a seat allotment in this round shall personally report to the reporting centre for provisional admission during the specified period, failing which their allotted seat stand automatically cancelled and these candidates will not be considered in subsequent rounds of counselling. The reporting procedure at the reporting centre for provisional admission is given in Section 3.7.
  • Candidates of Group – III may get a seat of higher preferred choice or their previously allotted seat may remain unchanged. Those candidates need not report at the reporting centre unless they desire a change in their willingness from “Yes-Upgradation” to “No-Upgradation”.
  • Group-III candidates, who had exercised option “Yes-Upgradation” and now desired to change the Option to “No-Upgradation”, after 2nd round of allotment should approach the same RC during the specified period. Change of Option from “NO” to “YES” is NOT Allowed. Revised provisional admission letter will be issued.
  • Candidates of Group – IV, their previously allotted seat remain unchanged. Such candidates are not required to report at the reporting centre.

1.9 Third Round of counselling:

  • Business Rules for Eligible candidates and Not Eligible candidates for 3rd round of counselling will be same as described in the 2nd round of counselling.
  • Fresh allottee of 3rd round will report to any Reporting Centres during the specified period for completion of Admission formalities. The reporting procedure at the reporting centre for provisional admission is given in Section 3.7.
  • All reported candidates of Round1, 2 and 3 will finally report to Allotted Institute as per schedule to complete the online admission process.
  • Conversion will be take place in 3rd round of counselling.

1.10 Consequences of Not Reporting to the Reporting Center after 1st/2nd/3rd round of Allotment:

The candidates, who get a new seat allotment first time in any of the three online rounds, are required to report at thereporting centre within the stipulated period. The allotment of seats to such candidates who do not report within the stipulated period to the reporting centre will be cancelled and these candidates will not be considered for seat allotment in subsequent online rounds upto 3rd round.

1.11 Reporting to the Reporting Centre for Change of Willingness

  • Candidates, who have taken the provisional admission in the 1st round, can change their willingness for upgradation from “YES-Upgradation” to “NO-Upgradation” after the 2nd round of allotment during the specified period. Change of Option from “NO” to “YES” is NOT allowed.
  • For this purpose, candidates shall personally report to the same Reporting Centre where provisional admission letter was issued during the specified period. The procedure for change of Options are as follows:
    • Candidates must submit the provisional admission letter issued in the 1st round.
    • Candidates shall fill in and sign the form for change of Option.
    • A new provisional admission letter with the modified Option will be issued by the Reporting Centre.
  • Those who are not interested to change the willingness option, need not report. Their willingness option submitted earlier will be considered in the subsequent online rounds of allotment.

1.12 Withdrawal of Allotted Seat and Refund of Fees

  • A candidate, who takes provisional admission by reporting at an Reporting Center and want to cancel their allotted seat and seek the refund of fee, will have to personally report for withdrawal and refund at the same reporting centre where provisional admission was obtained as per given schedule as under. Refund rules will be applicable as per the norms of the WBJEEB. Refund may be provided directly using Bank a/c details mentioned optionally by candidates at time of registration. 

    Withdrawal and Refund of fee
    RoundRefunding amountDuration
    After 1st round allotment100%To be decided
    After 2st round allotment100%To be decided
    After 3st round allotment100%Closing date of RC reporting
    Not reported for admission at PI0%Closing date of PI reporting
    Candidates who forfeit their fees by not reporting at PI are also eligible for fourth round and fees will be adjusted in case seats are allocated to them.

1.13 Fourth Round (INFORMED CHOICE ROUND) of Counselling

  • Who is eligible? 

    All eligible candidates (WBJEE-2013 only) including non-registered for counselling, those who opted for withdrawal at RC during counselling, those whose seat got cancelled at RC, those who did not physically report at PI/RC, as well as Provisionally admitted candidates at PIs.
  • Outline of the Fourth round of Counselling Process:
    • Vacancy due to not-reported at PI and withdrawal candidates will be compiled and published on the website. All vacancies, inclusive of those virtual ones created while running the fourth round, would be considered under OP category. Any TFW seat released during execution of fourth round will be dropped.
    • Fresh Registration only for non-registered candidates will be open. Earlier registered candidates are not required to register again and their earlier login credentials will be used in this round for choice filling.
    • Fresh choice submission for all those candidates who want to participate in this round is mandatory. Earlier filled choice(s) will not be considered for seat allotment. During choice submission, all choices, irrespective of whether currently seat is available or not, will be shown to the candidates. Only the institutes & branch-wise total seats will be available for choice filling without any category breakup. TFW seats, being supernumerary, will be dropped from seat matrix.
    • Provisionally admitted candidates who have reported at PIs, if they desired to participate in this round, are also required to submit fresh choices. In this round as per the fresh choice(s) seat will be allotted otherwise their finally allotted seat after 3rd round will be retained.
    • In this round seat will be allotted only for those candidates who will submit choices in this round. No willingness of upgradation prevalent in previous rounds will carry forward to this round. The provisionally admitted /reported candidates at PIs who have not submitted any new choices in this round will therefore not be considered for seat allotment.
    • Within this round, if any category seat falls vacant, then these seats will be converted to OP_JEM.
    • The successfully allotted candidates have to report directly to the freshly allotted institute and complete the admission formalities


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